When a Dysfunctional Website is Actually a Good Thing
Not this website! Quiet at the back, thank you.
Not another blog about the Budget!
If your kids can’t sleep, tell them about the UK tax system. Eyes glazing over in seconds.
Illogical Inaction and a Mythical Creature
I didn’t expect the volatility to start less than 24 hours later.
You’re Never As Rich As Your First Payslip
Family update, investment scribblings, and the usual good news to end on.
Jeremy Hunt’s Plans, Being Organised at the End, and Other Good Stuff
And the introduction of the catchily-named Optimism Prism. Positivity served.
Interest Rates, a Cookbook, and some good news to end on: November 2023 Newsletter
Earn less to be paid more. It sounds like a PPI reclaim advert, but read on.
Client Story #2: It Never Happens, Until it Does
A short story I don’t like telling about insurance, with a longer story about football in the middle.
Client Story #1: Life Throws a Curveball
Shared with permission. Sandra’s story and her progress through the loss of her husband.